Aesop's Fable - The Hare With Many Friends

A hare was very popular with the other animals in the jungle who all claimed to be her friends. One day she heard the hounds approaching her and hoped to escape them by the aid of her Friends. So, she went to the horse, and asked him to carry her away from the hounds on his back. But he declined, stating that he had important work to do for his master.

"He felt sure," he said, "that all her other friends would come to her assistance."

She then applied to the bull, and hoped that he would repel the hounds with his horns. The bull replied:

"I am very sorry, but I have an appointment with a lady; but I feel sure that our friend the goat will do what you want."

The goat, however, feared that his back might do her some harm if he took her upon it. The ram, he felt sure, was the proper friend to ask for help. So she went to the ram and told him the case. The ram replied:

"Another time, my dear friend. I do not like to interfere on the present occasion, as hounds have been known to eat sheep as well as hares."

The Hare then applied, as a last hope, to the calf, who regretted that he was unable to help her, as he did not like to take the responsibility upon himself, as so many older persons than himself had declined the task. By this time the hounds were quite near, and the Hare took to her heels and luckily escaped.

Moral of the story :
He that has many friends, has no friends. 

TRAVEL - a Guide For Friendship


Inmate Mitchell King had a visitor — his wife. King was serving a six-year jail term in Auckland, New Zealand for armed robbery. But his wife didn't want to be away from him for that long. So they held hands. And they stuck. She'd rubbed her palms with Super Glue. Their new-found closeness was short-lived. And their separation painful. Her technique is not one I'd recommend for a closer relationship.

But if you want more closeness; if you desire relationships that are deeper and broader, more meaningful and longer-lasting, then remember the word "travel."

T is for TRUST
Trust is the glue that holds people together (not Super Glue). A relationship will go nowhere without it.

R is for RESPECT

"Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead; do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead," writes Anna Cummins. It's about respecting others and letting them know that you value them.

Sometimes affection means love. Sometimes it means a touch. Always it means kindness.

Though we may feel afraid to let another too close, no relationship will go anywhere without risking vulnerability. Entrepreneur Jim Rohn says, "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy." And the love.

Learn to be open. Learn to communicate freely. What kinds of relationships you make are largely determined by how openly you have learned to communicate.

Victor Borge got it right when he said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." It's also the most enjoyable.

For relationships that can really go somewhere, just remember the word "TRAVEL." Then enjoy the trip!

Life As A Cake

Author Unknown

A little boy is telling his Grandma how everything is going wrong — school, family problems, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks the child if he would like a snack, which of course he does.

"Here. Have some cooking oil."
"Yuck," says the boy.
"How about a couple of raw eggs?"
"Gross, Grandma."
"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?"
"Grandma, those are all yucky!"
To which the Grandma replies: 
"Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

Viața ca o prăjitură

Un băiat îi povestea bunicii sale despre cât de rău îi merg toate - la școală avea probleme, în familie avea probleme, avea probleme de sănătate etc. În ce nepotul îi povestea, bunica pregătea o prăjitură. Bunica la întrebat pe nepot dacă nu ar dori să ia o gustare.

-Uite, niște ulei! -spuse bătrâna.
-Yuck!, zise băiatl.
-Niște ouă crude?
-Scârbos, bunico!
-Poate că ai dori niște făină? Sau niște praf de copt?
-Bunico, toate acestea sunt îngrozitoare!

La care bunica a replicat:

-Desigur, toace aceste lucruri sunt îngrozitoare atunci când la luăm separat. Dar în momentul în care le punem împreună într-un mod corect ele vor face o minunată prăjitură delicioasă! 

Ziua “Pay it Forward” – 29 aprilie 2010

Ce pacat ca am aflat abia acum de actiunile acestea. Ce pacat ca oamenii astia nu iau legatura cu oamenii din ISJ, poate asa activitatile ar fi mai usor cunoscute. Din experienta ultimilor ani, stiu ca e greu  sa "urnesti" copii doar la primele activitati, deja de la a doua, a treia activitate, vin singuri sa te roage sa  ... "mai facem".

Asa ca, avand in vedere ca tematica din titlu se incadreaza perfect si pe contextul anilor europeni 2010, respectiv 2011, consider perfecta ideea zilei "Play it Forward". Asadar, ce este "Play it Forward"?

"In fiecare an, in ultima zi de joi a lunii aprilie se sarbatoreste ziua “Pay it Forward”. Multi dintre voi poate au citit cartea scrisa de Catherine Ryan Hyde care sta la baza acestei miscari, sau au vazut filmul “Pay It Forward”. Este povestea unui băiat care a făcut trei fapte bune pentru trei persoane. În schimb, tot ce a dorit copilul a fost ca acestea să faca la randul lor fapte bune pentru alte trei persoane şi să păstreze acest ciclu in miscare.

O  fapta buna poate nu mai conteaza chiar asa mult in ziua de astazi, dar daca fiecare ar face ceva bun pentru altcineva, atunci acest ciclul al generozitatii şi bunatatii poate va aprinde acea flacara din sufletul fiecaruia care ne va ajuta sa devenim Oameni mai Buni.

Alatura-te grupului “Pay it Forward Romania”  si sarbatoreste ziua “Pay it Forward” in fiecare zi, daca se poate" :)

Scrisori la redactie

dezvoltarea abilitatilor de luare a deciziei si rezolvare de probleme in situatii de criza
confruntarea de idei si solutii diferite, dezvoltarea abilitatilor de argumentare

Elevii sunt impartiti in patru grupe, fiecare primind cate unsa din "Scrisorile catre redactie" de mai jos. Elevii din grupa trebuie sa-si asume rolul ed a raspunde la aceste scrisori. In fiecare grupa va aparea o confruntare de idei, punerea de acord fiind foarte dificila. De fapt, aceasta nici nu reprezinta scopul exercitiului; se

" IheartU"


How sweet! :)

P.S. De cand n-am mai postat s-au schimbat destule  in interfata "panel"-ului de postare!!!